Saturday 19th June 2021



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Cancel Culture. What is it? Why is it so controversial? Is it a dangerous use of mob mentality or a long overdue awakening and way of speaking truth to power? Or maybe both? Safe in Sound host a discussion* at Women's Work 2021 to get to the bottom of the Cancel Culture debate. How do we hold people accountable who have repeatedly done irrevocable harm without discouraging others to ask questions and learn from their mistakes? How can we separate ignorance from evil and encourage positive change and action in those among us who want to become more educated and active citizens and allies.

Join us online at 3pm on 19th June 2021 to take part in the conversation. The event will take place as a zoom webinar and registration will stay open until the morning of the event. Sign up via the link above and all the details will be sent out to you via email prior to the event.

*This event is part of the 'Staying Safe in Sound' online series running every Saturday throughout June. Other discussions include: 'Let's Talk about Abuse,' 'Support and Report - what to do if you or someone around you is dealing with abuse' and 'How to stay Safe in Sound - A Call to Action.' For more information follow Safe in Sound on Social Media or visit